information synonym

information synonym

The world of wonders( synonym)

    (information ynsonym) [Mghal uking Akbar Azam was the only man in the world who designed his own grave.]  


 [Egypt is the only Islamic country mentioned in the Holy Quran.] 

[Of course there are numerous benefits for Allah from protecting our teeth in the shade of dry porcelain semi and other useful trees It will start to fall.]

information ynsonym  ["The Communist Party of China" is the largest political party in the world with an estimated membership of approximately 86.7 million. ]*

[Horse blood is added to the snake bite to be effective. ]**

 [72% of the world's population lives in developing countries. ]*

[If an object weighs 120 kg on Earth the weight of such an object will be only 20 kg on the moon. ]*

 [A person who sleeps can never sneeze and if he is sneezing he is not asleep. ]**

[Bees and dogs do not see red.

Ant is the only creature of God who never sleeps. ]*

[There are also bats in the forests of Africa which pierce the body of his victim unconsciously,  drink all his blood and reach the valley of death without realizing the cause of discomfort. ]*

[Dead dogs are also buried in France at least 40,000 dogs are currently buried in the cemetery called "Eminem Race. ]**

(information synonym)

[The Indian Maharaja of the Indian state of "Pratab Garh" concessions after defeating the Hindu Raja of the "Gurdwara" in a war.]

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